Email from Steve
It’s easy to get caught up in the illusion of individual genius. We celebrate the iconic figures who seemingly changed the world on their own.
But even the most brilliant minds, like Steve Jobs, understood that their successes were built on the foundations laid by others.
This was poignantly captured in an email Jobs wrote to himself in 2010—a moment of self-reflection that offers deep insights into the nature of creativity, collaboration, and the human condition:

He acknowledges that many aspects of his life– the food he eats, the clothes he wears, the language he speaks, the technology he uses, and the music he enjoys, are the results of efforts made by others, both living and dead.
It's a reflection on the interconnectedness of human life and the dependence we have on others for our survival, well being, and progress.
It highlights his gratitude and admiration for humanity, recognizing that his own success and well-being are deeply rooted in the collective achievements and contributions of society.
This self-awareness and humility, especially coming from someone as influential as Steve Jobs, is a good reminder of the importance of community, collaboration, and the contributions of the countless individuals that shape our lives.